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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

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      id serial PRIMARY KEY,
      customer_id integer NOT NULL,
      order_date date NOT NULL,
      order_total numeric NOT NULL


      id serial PRIMARY KEY,
      customer_id integer NOT NULL,
      order_date date NOT NULL,
      order_total numeric NOT NULL,
      CONSTRAINT orders_customer_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers (id)
    CREATE INDEX orders_customer_id_idx ON orders (customer_id);

This table is optimized because it has the following features:

  • Appropriate data types: The customer_id and order_total columns are using the integer data type, which is appropriate for the data they contain.
  • Normalized tables: The data has been normalized into two tables, orders and customers. This makes the data easier to manage and improve performance.
  • Foreign keys: The customer_id column in the orders table has a foreign key constraint that references the id column in the customers table. This helps to prevent data integrity errors.
  • Indexes: The orders table has an index on the customer_id column. This helps PostgreSQL to find rows in the table quickly.